teamKAIST ‘Save the Earth’ Global Challenge 파견팀 모집KAIST학생들이 다양한 글로벌 이슈들에 대하여 고민하며 스스로 해결방안을 찾고 글로벌 리더로서의 역량을 제고할 수 있도록 직접 활동 주제 및 국가를 선정하여 탐방하는teamKAIST‘Save the Earth’Global Challenge파견팀을 아래와 같이 모집합니다.○ 지원자격: KAIST 재학중인 학부/대학원생 중 - 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자 - 학칙을 위반하여 징계처분 받은 사실이 없는 자 - 동일 프로그램으로 파견 이력이 없는 자 ※ 지원불가: 2025년 2월 또는 8월 졸업 예정자, 교환학생, 휴학생(2025 봄학기)○ 제출 서류: 1) 탐방계획서(최대 10매), 2) 예산안, 3) 개인정보 수집 이용 동의서 ※ 지원양식 다운로드: ※ PDF 파일로 변환하여 1개 파일(PDF)로 취합하여 제출. (※ 파일 이름: 팀이름.pdf)○ 신청서 제출 방법: 팀 대표 학생이 글로벌리더십센터 홈페이지 → 게시판 → “프로그램 신청 게시판”에서 신청○ 유의사항: - 외교부(여행경보 발령현황 -3단계(출국권고) 및 4단계(여행금지)에 포함된 국가/지역 탐방 불가 - 어학연수, 여행 등 개인 목적이 포함된 방문 불가.○ 최종 합격팀 의무사항: - 파견 전) 준비 상황 보고, 오리엔테이션 참여, (필요시) 예방접종, 서약서 및 보호자 동의서 제출, 지도교수 승인 필요 - 파견기간) 일일보고서 제출, 활동 사진 촬영, 영상(3~4분 이내) 제작 - 귀국 후) 결과 보고(최종 결과보고서, 활동 후기, 활동 사진/영상 제출), 결과 보고회 참석○ 글로벌챌린지 활동 소개:○ 모집설명회: - 일시: 2024. 10. 7.(월) 12:00 - 장소: 창의학습관(E11) 102호 - 모집설명회 참가 신청(*사전 등록시 샌드위치 제공): for teamKAIST ‘Save the Earth’ Global ChallengeWe are recruiting a team for the“teamKAIST‘Save the Earth’Global Challenge” program. This program allows KAIST students to select and explore activities, topics, and issues from various countries. Each participating team will work in the country or region they choose in order to find solutions and to enhance their capabilities as global leaders. The details are as follows:○ Eligibility: Any enrolled KAIST undergraduate/graduate student who: - is not disqualified from traveling abroad, - has not violated school regulations, - has not previously participated in this program ※ Note: Students graduating in February or August of 2025, exchange students, and those on leave of absence for Spring 2025 are ineligible to apply.○ Application Documents (Attached): 1) Expedition plan form (Maximum 10 pages) 2) Budget form 3) Consent form for collection and use of personal information ※ Application Form download: ※ Convert all files to PDF format and merge them into a single document. (※ File name: Team name.pdf) ○ How to apply: A representative student of each team should apply at the Global Leadership Center website(Select: Board → Applying for Program).○ Remarks: - Teams must verify the status of their chosen country with the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs at - If a Level 3(Red) or Level 4(Black) Travel Alert has been issued for your chosen country or region, your team will not be dispatched. - Teams wishing to participate for personal purposes such as language training, travel, will not be selected or dispatched. - Students cannot be dispatched to their home countries.○ Obligations of selected teams: - Before the expedition: Teams must submit a report on their preparations, attend any orientation events offered, receive all required vaccinations, and submit a pledge to comply with all expedition guidelines, along with a guardian consent form, and academic advisor approval. - During the expedition: Teams must submit all required daily reports, take photos, and create a video (3~4 minutes in length). - After the expedition: Teams must submit all required reports on their results, including a final report, reviews, and activity photos/videos. All team members are required to participate in the presentation of their reports.○ Program Overview: