Undergraduate Humanity/Leadership Programs (Mandatory General Courses)

Graduation Requirements: 2 courses / 2AU*

* AUs(Activity Units) are not counted towards GPA but are required for graduation.

  • Semesters Courses Offered: 

    Spring and Fall

  • AU credits: 

    Humanity/Leadership 1 AU for each completed course
    ※ 1 subject can be completed among each I, II, III, IV. ※ Students may not take 2 courses from within the same program (outlined below).
    ※ Starting from students entering in 2025, they are required to select and complete one program from either I or II, and one program from either III or IV.

  • Details of the Courses Offered each semester :
    Academic System

Undergraduate Humanity/Leadership Programs
ProgramsCurriculum CharacteristicsCourse Title
Humanity/Leadership I
(Course No: HSS.10072)
Leadership theory7H Leadership*, Communication Training, Firstmover Leadership
Humanity/Leadership II
(Course No: HSS.10073)
Leadership special lectures, career planningWednesday Leadership Lecture*, Young Leaders Thursday Lecture, Global Leadership
Humanity/Leadership III
(Course No: HSS.10074)
Practical leadershipFreshman Cultural Activity(FCA) Courses*
※ Only available to the freshmen who are in their 1st or 2nd semester.
Humanity/Leadership IV
(Course No: HSS.10175)
Experiential leadershipMeditation*, Practical Leadership Activity*, Taking Care of  Your Health, Group Leadership Activity (GLA), Military Service Experience
※ Courses marked * are available for international students.